Logo by Fawn Siemsen

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Host and Guest Episode 27: Davy Rothbart

Rick is joined by Davy Rothbart, the point guard for the incredible Found Magazine. You can submit your own found treasures to the magazine through their website http://foundmagazine.com/ . I spoke to Davy at the Lakeshore Theater in Chicago in the midst of his tour promoting the new Found book, Requiem for a Paper Bag (http://www.amazon.com/Requiem-Paper-Bag-Celebrities-Civilians/dp/1416560548)

Here's Episode 27:

Stream it!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Host and Guest Episode 26: Drew Steck

Rick is joined by his co-star from the Internet's Maximum Potential and frequent collaborator Drew Steck.


Stream it!